Office: 8:15am - 4pm • Phone: 09 407 7277 • Mobile: 021 1077 110


Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees at Riverview School has been given power under the Education Act 1989 to control the management of the school by making sure that the school achieves its charter goals through good practices.  In practice, the Board is responsible, among other things, for:

  • Setting strategic goals
  • Reviewing how well those goals are being achieved
  • Charter development and modification, in consultation with the community
  • Employment of teaching and support staff
  • Preparation of the annual report
  • Managing school finances
  • Complying with the conditions for occupying crown-owned buildings and land
  • Authorising student visits
  • Student stand-downs, suspensions, and enrolments
  • The enrolment scheme (zoning)


The Board at Riverview School has five parent trustees, one staff trustee, and the Principal.  Elections for the Board are held every three years. 

The Board meets in the School Staffroom.  The meetings are usually held once a month.  Meetings of the Board are open to the public, but they are not public meetings.  In other words, members of the public may attend (except during in-committee business) but they do not have speaking or voting rights; they may, however, be invited to speak at the beginning of a meeting.  Meetings are advertised in the weekly school newsletter.

The Riverview School Board members are YOUR REPRESENTATIVES.   We are always interested in your comments, opinions, and feedback. 

If you would like to leave a message, email or drop a note into the office addressed to the B.O.T., and we will get back to you.

Your Board members are:

  • Presiding Member: Louise Murdoch

  • Secretary: Casey Perrin

  • Treasurer: Jancy Stott

  • Principal: Eamonn Kelly

  • Parent Representative: Chris Baker

  • Parent Representative: Lorraine Chaney 

  • Staff Trustee: Sarah Hallgarth

  • Minute Secretary: Judith Payton


The Parent Teachers Association (PTA) has an important role to play in the school.  All members of the school’s parent community are members of the PTA and may attend PTA meetings.  PTA meetings are advertised in the school newsletter.

  • Chairperson: Sarah Curtis

  • Secretary: Nikita Hailstone

  • Treasurer: Rebecca Eastlake

The P.T.A. can receive email messages at: